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Tulsi/ Holy Basil/Ocimum Sanctum

Rasa or Taste : Acrid, pungent

Virya or Potency : Heating

Vipaka or Post-digestive effect : Acrid

Tulsi, In Ayurveda is a Sattvic herb that is used to nourish ojas and prana in the body. Ojas is the ultimate juice of life stored in the body that make your life joyful, vital, healthy and calm. Tulsi balances excess vata and kapha in the body as it promotes a healthy circulation across the different channels of the body. It helps body to maintain a normal body temperature. It enhances the rasa dhatu and medha dhatu in the body. It supports the lungs by decongesting them of any accumulated kapha and thus helps in deepening the breath and prana flowing across the body. Therefore, tulsi is miraculously helpful for respiration and the immune system.

Tulsi is also an important adaptogenic herb that helps body fighting off the over stress from our busy, overwhelming daily life style. It lighten up the heart, rejuvenate the mind and reverse the effects of stress on the body.

One of the best way to consume Tulsi is to boil it in your teapot! If you are a kapha type, feel free to add some honey in it. But drink in moderation if you are a pitta type.


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