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This medicinal plant is highly respected in the Ayurvedic literature. Charaka refers it as “Amritavalli”, means nectar of God! It is categorised as a Maharasayana (rejuvenator), immunity booster and a detoxifier. It was successfully used to treat the dengue fever in India. There is a reason this herb has been designated as the ‘National herb’ of India.

It is bitter, pungent and astringent in rasa or taste. It is capable of pacifying the aggravated pitta in the body. It is capable of balancing all the Doshas in the body, specifically vata and pitta.

It supports the healthy functions of liver and kidney and promote the elimination of toxins out of the body. It improves the skin complexion and texture. It is a miracle herb to keep the hair black even at mature age as it calms down the agitated pitta. It improves the joint mobility and is beneficial to the arthritis patients.

DOSAGE: 3-6 gm

PRECAUTIONS: No major side effects but if someone has weak constitution then long term use of Giloy is not advisable as it can cause constipation.


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