Curry leaves or Kaddi-patta is the signature spice of India. It's a herb that is native to India and is indispensable to any kitchen of an Indian household. This aromatic spice is known for its pleasant flavour, and uplifting aroma. They add so much value to a curry dish in terms of aroma, flavour as well as nutrients.
Nutrients detail of Kaddi-patta: (per 100gm)
Carbs 18.70 gm Fiber 6.4 gm Protein 6.1 gm Calcium 830 mg Iron .930 mg Phosphorus 57 mg Zinc .200 mg Thiamine .080 mg Vitamin C 4.00 mg
Even more importantly, they have anti-oxidants, flavonoids, alkaloids, and phytonutrients that make this spice anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic, and anti-carcinogenic. In Ayurveda, curry leaves have multiple therapeutic actions like Yakrit ably (hapatoprotective), shothahara (anti-inflammatory), pramehahara (anti-diabetic), krimighna ( antimicrobial), deepana (carminative), pachna (digestion), ruchya (taste enhancing), vishahara (treats scorpion bite/spider bite), and keshya (hair tonic). CONTRAINDICATION: There are hardly any. It is quite safe for everyone in the normal dose.