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Chia Seeds

Miraculous seeds to lower your blood pressure, LDL Cholesterol as well as blood sugar plus helps preventing breast cancer!

Chia seeds are grown on a plant Salvia Hispanica plant, which is a member of the mint family native to the Mexico and Central America. They are highly nutritious food jam-packed with goodness in the form of omega-3, zinc, iron, soluble fibres, magnesium, potassium, calcium, antioxidants, and phytonutrients.

They are hydrophilic, or love water so much so that they can expand up to 12 times their size if soaked in the water. It is a good idea to consume them after soaking overnight. If not, plz ensure that you drink enough water to compensate for the absorption of the water by chia seeds in your body system. If consumed with enough water then it is a wonderful laxative.

From Ayurvedic perspective, its energy is warming so good for Kapha and Vata constitutions. At the same time, pitta people should consume it in moderation.


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