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Amla has all the tastes in Ayurveda except salty taste. Amla is a wonderful herb for pitta dominated people as it can clear the accumulated pitta in the body, specifically during the hot days. Amla is a Sattvic herb that brings Sattvic energy to the mind, tonify the body, and promote youthfulness, energy and overall well-being. It supports the immunity of the skin against the attack of pathogens like bacteria and virus.


Since its an edible fruit so it is very safe to consume even in large amount. But Amla should be avoided if Kapha is specifically aggravated. If someone has a Pitta dominated constitution and they got diarrhoea then during that period avoid consuming Amla.

How to take?

One of the best way to consume it is taking a warm water infusion. Put a teaspoon of amla powder in a glass and then fill the glass with warm water. Keep this solution overnight before drinking in the morning,


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