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Dhamma Yoga Family

Founded in 2011 by Yogi Amit based upon his insight to promote a different kind of lifestyle where every individual can be set completely free to follow the joy that spark the spirit in their heart. Such sparkling individuals will naturally relate to each other with a very different mindset that would be based upon love, compassion, mutual respect, truthfulness, non-violence and non-hoarding. The community that will evolve out of these values can bring peace, security, inclusiveness and abundant joy to our future generations on this planet.

Giving and sharing are the hallmark of a healthy community. In the Yama and Niyama of Yogic tradition, giving and sharing are the beginning and the most crucial part of the Yoga practice. Yama and Niyama purify the body, mind and the soul and without this cleansing, no spiritual realisation is possible. Volunteering is the essential component of Yama and Niyama and has very profound effects on the human mind. Here a person offers their time, labour, or resources for a common good or the higher good and in the process become a responsible human being and an agent of change. Volunteering is the fastest way to attain good karmas in one’s spiritual journey. 

Dhamma Yoga has a strong pro-active and committed volunteer base and continued to inspire more people to join in and give their hands for community empowerment and revitalisation. If you feel grateful for your presence and are motivated to give back to the community or want to bring a real transformation in the society, then we welcome you with open arms to join our volunteer team

© 2024 by Dhamma Yoga

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